“I write about photography and programming”

Today, someone from an online tool store with which I had placed a rather large order called to verify that I was not a fraudster. They thought my email address, which has the same domain name as this blog, was odd and wanted to check if it was genuine. I said that it had been my personal domain since around 2003 and that it pointed to my personal blog.

“So what do you write about?”

“I write about photography and programming.”

“Oh, you are one of the Mauritian bloggers…”

Obviously, they had searched for the domain and had been redirected to mauritiusblogtracker.com but still wanted to be certain that I was the rightful owner.

They were reassured by our conversation and promised that my order would be processed.


After work, I rigged a 35mm film holder and an LED panel so that I could try DSLR film-scanning. It took a few attempts to get an adequate set-up that fits within the tiny space on my desk.

Until now I have avoided this method of converting negative images to digital, for no reason other than wanting to remain a scanner purist and to justify my purchase of VueScan.

Well, I must admit that I am impressed by the results. Even when “scanned” with an ancient Nikon D200, the photos from this process are much better than those from my flatbed film scanner.

Here are some images for comparison.

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