Farnborough International Airshow 2024 on film

This year’s Farnborough International Airshow pictures were shot on film with a Nikon FM2 and a Nikon FE2. The lens was a Nikon AF-S 300mm f/4. Both colour film and black-and-white film were used, although only the colour pictures are shown here.

First, there were the fast and loud.


Then came the fat and slow.

The demonstrations of the Airbus jetliners always impress me during the airshow. Their quick take-off, steep climb, and tight slow turn contradict my intuition about the maneuverability of such massive aircraft.

The first two pictures below make it seem like I am at the same height as the A321, but they are optical illusions created by the acute banking angle of the plane in its sharp turn above me.


Finally, the fun and cute closed the show.

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